Friday, May 28, 2010

Future of America

Hey blog, long time no see!
Missed me?

Well, not much has happened. My life is as thoroughly copulated as ever, but I'm finally past the point of incessant bitching over the subject.

So, let's move on, shall we?

I've finally realized the extent of the influence of years of English on my brain. I find myself narrating my day in perfect syntax, and even attempting to look up words in IN MY MIND.
Jesus Christ.
Sometimes, I even write it down:

So, today, I saw an ambulance outside of Taco Bell/KFC on my way to the bus stop. All of my concern and curiosity dissipated when a heavyset man with a protruding gut waddled out of the "restaurant" and carefully hoisted himself up in the stretcher. He held an equally bloated Taco Bell bag in his hand.
What has America come to? 
A (very, very, very fine) dude sitting across from me on the bus stared at me like I'm on drugs because of my furious scribbling. Oops.

 I am so sick of fat people. This is not to say that I have a personal vendetta against heavyset individuals and will go around a la Sweeny Todd and shave off their disgusting blubber. But seriously. Why would you let yourself reach that point? Isn't the fact that you need  two muscled men to carry you out of a fast food chain enough of a hint to drop the bag?

 Okay, okay, I admit that the fact that I am a skinny Asian chick may put me in a hypocritical or partonizing position. But let's set that aside (besides, I've gained at least ten pounds in this year alone) and face the facts:


There have been countless documentaries, propaganda, boring monotnous soul-sucking health classes, pamphlets, television shows, whatevers advocating proper health and even criticizing the lack thereof in the You Ass of Eh. Yet, nothing's happened. People are still fat-asses, and even more are jack-asses.

Is it the lifestyle? The nonchalant ignorance? The I-am-above-obesity-and-death-by-hideousy-because-I-am-fucking-American sentiment? I can't, for the life of me, figure out just what is preventing Americans from opening their eyes and finally realizing that two-hundred fucking pounds of fat (fat, not muscle) isn't just "a little bad" or "sorta embarasing", but absolutely horrible

And don't blame your genes. Those Europeans have stayed sexy and lean since 1776.
C'mon, Americans, are we really satisfied with the national epidemic of "stupid and fat"?

(Please don't say yes.)

Oh, YouTube.

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