Saturday, September 19, 2009

When the Sun said "Fuck this, man, I'm taking abreak."

I don't know about you, but I think San Francisco is the most amazing place to live in. Ever.

What brought this on, you ask?

Saturday Morning:
7:30AM - Waking up to the tune of my Zombie cell-phone (which has a battery life of about four hours, if I'm lucky.)
7:30-8AM - Yelling at my mother to get back into bed, and stop commenting on everything from my breasts -- or lack thereof -- and the direction in which I comb my hair. (No, mother, I DO NOT have a bald spot on the back of my head.)
8:05AM - realizing that despite's conviction that the next 28 bus is coming in two minutes, it's actually coming in twelve minutes. There's nothing I love more than freezing on a foggy Saturday morning with an extremely uncomfortable pole digging into my back -- while remaining in the same position for ten minutes straight.
8:40AM - 1PM Why did I suffer through all that? Well, it's all to attend some journalism workshops! :] Interview was mundane, but the people were rather interesting to talk to. Of course, it's a bit scary how the man seems to be balding at a rather young age. Investigative reporting was AMAZING. I felt like a CSI after our mock investigation. I believe I've found my calling!

Anyway, long story short (well... not short. Just, less long...)

Worst parts of the day: Waking up at 7:30 on a SATURDAY (especially after an incredibly tiring Spirit Committee Late Night on Friday), missing the bus, waiting in the cold for ten minutes and probably re-catching a cold, not seeing a single cute guy on the bus. See, contrary to popular belief, there are actually a bunch of adorable men in San Francisco. The thing we young girls complain about is that they are either 1. taken, 2. gay, 3. too old, or 4. dumb as a nail. (Although, I have to say, nails are pretty sharp.)

Best parts of the day: An exciting, although very nerdy, session of "Think like a Journalist!" Where we pretended to be journalists uncovering a huge BART conspiracy. I never knew journalists were so much like detectives. (Like, woah!)

Anyway... I totally lost my train of thought.
Well, I'm off to change the blog layout. :] Catch y'all lat0rz!