I ♥ my Lowrider Skullcandies. If they weren't covered in digusting bacteria and would possible render me immobile through electric shock, I would lick them all day. ;] 
For a teenager my age, giant headphones are a Godsend. Headphones in, world out. Goodbye mother, while you feed your blood pressure and scream about how much you wish I would give you a heart attack just so you can prove that I have the potential to kill you one day if I don't behave... I will listen to overdramatic emo lyrics and twitch in my chair to repetitive drum abuse. OH YEAH!
Well, it's 10:30 PM and I am, once again, staring mindless at the computer screen. Got home around 6-ish. I ATTEMPTED (no, seriously, I tried) to outline my AP Chemistry book and organize my notes into something more... readable. I found this very useful chart I wanted, so I ran over to my scanner to photocopy it.
This is the same scanner that ate my English essay, turned my Chemistry report purple (though it was a very pretty splatter), and crashed into my knee when I attempted to use it as a footrest.
A billion printer jams, one ink cartridge explosion, and an angry mother later, I still love my three-in-one piece of plastic and technology. Then again, there's a thin line between love and hate.
A printer is like a baby. Sometimes it works like a charm, and everybody's happy. Sometimes, you even want to hug it and go "Aww, that's a good printer-baby." (No? Geez, it deserves some credit for spitting out your five page essay at lightening speed.) Then other times, you just want to throw it on the floor, jump on the piece of shit, smash it into the wall, beat it senseless with a baseball bat, swear in every language you know to it -- even though it wouldn't understand you, and smash it through a window (and maybe hit someone hard enough to make them bleed).
Oh, wait, I just A.D.D.'d. What was I talking about? Right, AP Chem. So anyway, I went to photocopy it... for some reason the black one comes out blank, and the colored one comes out "ERROR". The cartridges are both in there and relatively full. What the fudgemonkies?!
So I pull a Inspector Gadget on the thing (haha, that is totally not the right allusion). An hour later, I look like I just had a steamy night with a squid, while my printer is still "ERROR." I ALREADY CHECKED THE DAMN CARTRIDGE AND PAPERS! NOW PRINNNNNT! For some reason, I couldn't get the damn machine to believe that there are indeed ink cartridges in it. God, this is like denial for cancer patients.
So after a while, it FINALLY accepted the fact that there were cartridges, and began to print.
Heart racing, excitement, OMG FINALLY---
the shit came out blue, streaked, and faded.
So. My page isn't photocopied, I still can't decipher my Chem notes, I'm probably going to fail the AP exam because my professor is a worse teacher than a crackwhore preaching abstinence; and my printer is still sitting on its little shelf, despite the hundred deaths I've played out for it in my mind. (Yes, I managed to limit myself to a hundred).
There's still the party on Wednesday... I need to buy food and/or cake mix. ><
I lost my pencil case today. God damn. Then when I found it again, my favorite pen, pencil, and one-of-those-really-awesome-clickable-erasers-that-look-like-a-pen were missing. What the hell?
I realize that 70 pages isn't nearly enough for to outline my Chem notes.
So tomorrow, I have to drag my lazy butt all the way around San Francisco and pull money out of my own shallow little pocket to finish my shopping list. [Why aren't there any damn Targets or Walmarts in SF?] Also, being Asian, my office supplies are coming from Chinatown for a dollar or two each, not Office Depot for six. DUH. I think Safeway is having a sale on cake mix...
Damn damn damn damn. So much for dragging myself around the house like a zombie all day, like my usual Saturday routine.
Oh, did I mention Firefox bailed on me? Seriously. All of a sudden it pulled an Internet Explorer and commited suicide. Now I'm using the new Google Chrome. Chrome's actually pretty cool, though a lot less fun than firefox -- especially for people like me, who abuse plug-ins. Ah well.
Well, on the bright side, it's SPRING BREAK! ☺
Coin Operated Boy - Dresden Dolls
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